Monday, November 9, 2009

Daddy Dollars

Here's the website where I printed off the Daddy Dollars:

It's super easy and pretty fun. When Justin first saw me doing it, he looked pretty concerned. I asked him what was the matter and he very coyly (is that word?) said, "Mom, I don't think the stores are going to like it if you try to buy things with those." Maybe he has a bright future in the Treasury Department. :-)

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nurturing Gratitude

Here's a list of what I remember from our discussion.

Thankful Tree-each night leading up to Thanksgiving, write things you're thankful for on leaves and attach to tree.
Gratitude garland-for Thanksgiving Day. Have guests write things they're thankful for on leaves and attach to garland.
Thanksgiving Extravaganza-grab a small handful of corn kernels, throw each kernel into a body of water while saying/yelling out what you're thankful for.
Model gratitude. Express gratitude. Thank your children and talk about them in positive ways.
Try to see the best side of things & people. Nitpicking DOES NOT show gratitude for spouse.

Feel free to add or expound. Also, about service: in the comments, please write ideas for service.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Thank you for labeling your posts!

It makes it so easy to find posts in the archives. At least include your name. Thanks!

Giving away bread

Here's the link for the site I mentioned last night about giving baked goods to members of the community you want to show appreciation for. Spread the bread.

Christening the blog

I thought our first Mothering Meet & Treat was great! Thank you for coming and contributing.

Lindsey, I mean WE, decided that I should start a blog for afterthoughts and addendums. We probably won't post notes from the meetings (unless someone would like to be Historian. That would be great, by the way.)